Our course is both career-changing and life-changing

We would love to talk to you about our training program, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your first point of contact is Katrina Coghlan, our course administrator.

You may also attend our Gestalt discovery and course information session. This evening is an opportunity to take part in our experiential inquiry-based learning method and obtain a brief introduction to relational gestalt thinking. We will also discuss the course structure and answer your questions about the program.

We also offer a full day training called Gestalt experience: an introduction to gestalt theory and practice.  This experiential workshop takes a dive into some of the fundamental building blocks of relational gestalt therapy, especially as it is taught and practiced at Gestalt Therapy Australia and the Gestalt Centre.

Relational gestalt training provides significant opportunities for professional and personal development.

About our course

Gestalt Therapy Australia (GTA) offers a unique opportunity to become a gestalt therapist. Our 4-year program focuses on developing personal awareness and therapeutic skills to enable you to work with others in profound and healing ways. It takes time to become a therapist. At GTA, students are immersed in an experiential learning process that is holistic, integrated and developmental. Our course is primarily designed to foster capacities essential for deep connection. In this way, it stands apart from other courses that can be more dryly academic or module-based. Learning is supported by lots of practice and skill development and there are plentiful learning opportunities for ongoing feedback from faculty and peers. Students come together and form a learning group that will be a source of rich growth during the program and beyond. As deep connections are made, community is found.

Gestalt theory is rich. It supports ways of understanding the human condition that moves beyond simple categories and diagnostic labels and towards a more nuanced and compassionate meeting of people as they are. Gestalt practitioners are always sensitive to the cultural and environmental context of clients' life and experience. With a here-and-now focus, gestalt is process-oriented and pays attention to broader description including our immediate felt sense and embodiment. In gestalt, meaning emerges in an embodied relational process.

For me, this is a voyage of personal and interpersonal discovery, becoming part of a caring community.
Aurelia, GTA student.

Our students typically come from backgrounds in allied health, including; psychology, social work, education, counselling, occupational therapy, nursing, pastoral care, people management, coaching and other organisational roles. Our course is a deep dive into an integrated therapeutic modality and meaningful support to understanding the human condition for these people. It also supports systemic thinking and group work, including work with groups, couples, families, teams and organisations.

Graduates of our program work in a variety of settings and take up many different roles. Graduates work in education, hospitals, youth services, community health, and mental health settings. Many also have busy private practices.

Course structure

Additional requirements in third and fourth years

In third and fourth years, students are required to undertake a total of 100 hours of supervised client contact. Most students will do this as a part of the ConnectGround internship and will see the Senior Therapist for supervision approximately fortnightly.

Professional memberships

Applicants come to GTA from many professional backgrounds. Many are already working in the field with relevant qualifications and memberships of professional organisations. Others will not yet be eligible for full professional membership. These students may be interested in gaining registration with an organisation like the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) or the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). We recommend that you research your options and make enquiries to the relevant accreditation bodies that suit your circumstances. GTA staff are also available to talk to you about this, please contact the office to arrange a time.

The four-year training program is accredited by PACFA as a Specialist Training (post-grad), and graduates of our program who meet PACFA’s recognised prior learning requirements (RPL) are eligible for membership and registration.

You might also be interested in joining GANZ (Gestalt Australia and New Zealand) a membership organisation https://www.ganz.org.au.  Students are welcome to join.

The Victorian Association of Gestalt Practitioners (VAGP) is a local member organisation and you can also join as a student or interested person.

GTA training centre

We have two training centres located in Carlton North and Parkville (both close to Melbourne University).  Lygon Therapy is located at 622 Lygon Street Carlton North, and houses the centre’s administration, library and clinic.   Most classes are held at our training campus 'Elie' which is located at 27 Royal Parade, Parkville.

Classes are weekly (21 weeknights or afternoons) with an additional 4 weekends, 2 of which are residential. If you select the option to study in the evening, classes are conducted between 5.30 and 8.45 pm. If you choose to take afternoon classes, they will be conducted between 1pm and 4.15pm.

We follow the school term and our classes run from February to October. Of the 6 weekends, 2 are residential and are held at the Yarra Valley Estate.
We do not operate on public holidays.