
I’m quite an introvert but through studying gestalt I developed strong bonds with people. I’m becoming more of a people person. Seeing how we become vulnerable and how much we care about each other… It really means a lot to me.

What was your background before becoming a gestalt therapist?

I was an academic with a Masters Degree and PhD in psychology in Poland.

What are you doing now?

After completing my internship at ConnectGround in 2018 I continued gaining experience in the clinic as a volunteer.  I then commenced my private practice at the Gestalt Centre and I am still here working as an independent gestalt therapist.  Because of my experience with ConnectGround, it was a smooth transition into private practice. 

What drew you to GTA and the study of gestalt therapy?  

I was familiar with the work of the gestalt psychologists. When I had the opportunity to do some gestalt psychotherapy workshops in Belgium I remember coming  away thinking “gestalt is not only a way of doing psychotherapy it is a way of life. It’s so deep, the whole idea of here and now is just so deep. I have to do something with this, I just loved it so much”. 

What stands out for you in relation to the course?  

I have learnt so much about my own growing edges. In the years of study at The Relational Institute Australia (TRIA) in Sydney and at the GTA I really shifted. Getting out of my comfort zone, and finding another comfort zone; that’s been a big insight for me. Being more daring, I dare to get out of my comfort zone and experiment and have the courage and confidence to try things.”

How has  studying gestalt impacted you?

It’s really changed me a lot, I can feel it. I know I’m different. I’m quite an introvert but through studying gestalt I developed really strong bonds with people and I’m really becoming more of a people person… discovering people and seeing how we become vulnerable and open and how much we care about each other… It really means a lot to me.

What was your experience working in the ConnectGround clinic like?

Working in the clinic provided an opportunity for me to work with clients on a weekly basis over a longer term. It’s amazing to see people come and they’re committed to psychotherapy. And also how we develop a relationship. And every relationship with every client is different. I can also see people open up and build trust, and things just happen between us. It really works.

“[In the clinic]..we work in shifts and everyone is seeing the same clients weekly so there’s a group of us working on a particular shift seeing the same clients, so there’s lots of support in that structure. Also we’ve got fortnightly supervision, either individual or group, which was wonderful, especially in the beginning.”

Do you continue to participate in community events?

There are so many professional development events here and as a volunteer or intern you don’t have to pay. But it’s kind of nice, you put something in and then you can come and listen to all these amazing people talk about these amazing things they do, this was very important for me too.”

What are your plans for the future?

…as much as I love doing research, and I will continue doing research, gestalt has opened up something very new and very precious for me professionally and personally. The more I work as a gestalt psychotherapist the more I love it.