Clients at risk of suicide part 2: Practical aspects

Elie, Gestalt Centre Training Campus
August 27, 2024 9:30 AM
A half-day workshop to explore how to work with clients who raise the topic of suicide.

This workshop will be interactive and include small group discussions and case presentations.

Date| Tuesday 27 August 2024, 9.30am–1.30pm

Fee | $165. Includes GST / Free of charge for all current ConnectGround interns

Venue| Elie, Gestalt Centre Training Campus, 27 Royal Parade Parkville

Presenter | Karolina Krysinska, PhD


Working with clients currently at risk of suicide or clients with a history of suicidal thoughts and behaviours can be highly distressing for therapists, including Gestalt psychotherapists. Clinical literature and research present common dilemmas and fears, such as safety concerns, the effectiveness of risk assessment and safety plans, and personal triggers.

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore how to work with clients who raise the topic of suicidality and what you need to further develop your practical skills. We will explore themes around ‘what do I bring to a session? and ‘how do I work with a client at risk of suicide?‘, including risk assessment and safety planning.


Case studies will be presented. You will be invited to look into ways you could work with clients, the challenges you may face, and the emotional and somatic responses that arise in that context. Published and online resources that can support psychotherapists in their work with clients at risk of suicide will be presented.

About Karolina

Karolina Krysinska, PhD, is a Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice at Lygon Therapy and a volunteer at the ConnectGround Clinic.

She completed her Gestalt training at The Relational Institute in Sydney. Karolina is also an experienced research psychologist, and her main interest for the last 25 years has been suicide research and prevention.

She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Mental Health, the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne.

About ConnectGround

ConnectGround is a community-based counselling & psychotherapy centre offering low-cost individual and group therapy that emphasises the therapeutic relationship as a support for developing awareness and flexibility.
