How to work with depressed and anxious clients: a trauma-informed approach

Elie, Gestalt Center Training Campus - 27 Royal Parade Parkville
September 23, 2024 9:30 AM
Clients with depression and anxiety can be difficult to work with, and as therapists we can become stuck in the therapeutic process.

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common presentations in therapy and other mental health and support services. Despite their prevalence, these clients can still prove to be difficult to work with.

This 2-day workshop will support you to understand the somatic expressions of both anxiety and depression, help you to distinguish different expressions of these feeling states, and meet the challenge of the work with more confidence and compassion.

With Noel Haarburger

23-24 September 2024

This workshop will include an overview of how the paradoxical theory of change, self-compassion, holism, experiment, phenomenological inquiry, here and now immediacy, relational and field theory can be applied in supporting clients to regulate and understand depression. This training will provide you with the skills and confidence to work with depressed and anxious clients.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop you will have a deeper understanding of:

  • The phenomenology of depression
  • The somatic and psychological function of depression
  • Different types of depression
  • What depression is communicating about, what is out of balance and needing to be listened too, loved and learnt
  • The common ways we relate to and manage symptoms of depression that can perpetuate it
  • Underlying drivers, as well as cultural and contextual conditions that often live in the ground behind the figure of depression
  • The relationship between depression, shame, core beliefs and the inner critic
  • The role polyvagal theory and neuroscience play in helping us understand and work more effectively with depression
  • 15 bio-psycho-social principles that support people to recover from depression.


Experiential exercises, large group discussion, didactic teachings.

Date | Monday 23 & Tuesday 24 September 2024, 9.30am–5.00pm

Fee | $660. Student/intern $550. includes GST.

Venue | Elie, Gestalt Centre Training Campus, 27 Royal Parade, Parkville

Who should attend?

Anyone interested in developing a better understanding of the nature of depression and how to support clients to develop awareness of, manage and live with their anxiety

About the facilitator Noel Haarburger

BBSc, BEd(Counselling), AdvDipGestaltTherapy, ClinMGANZ, MAPS

Noel is a faculty member and trainer at GTA (Gestalt Therapy Australia), and works in full time private practice as a psychologist, and psychotherapist working with individuals and couples, as well as offering supervision to allied health professionals.

Noel has worked extensively in a wide variety of counselling and psychological services since 1995, including most recently the role of senior psychologist at Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre for 4 years. Previous to this he has worked in family counselling, drug and alcohol, sexual assault, problematic gambling, men’s behavioural change programs, and the mental health fields. As a trained somatic experiencing practitioner, he offers 'somatic experiencing' a highly effective body work method for negotiating and releasing trauma, originally developed by Peter Levine.
